Poetry Submissions, Shō No. 6

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What to submit

1. Submit up to five unpublished poems at a time. Please include page numbers and your name on every page. Name your file as follows: FirstName_LastName

2. A cover letter: If your poem is 'after' another poet, please name the poem it's after, if applicable, or provide any relevant details in your cover letter. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you specify this in your cover letter. 

Note: We do not accept AI generated work.

Response time
Our average response time is 2 weeks. We attempt to respond to all submissions within 30 days.

To withdraw a poem from consideration, send us a message through Submittable. Please do not send us updated versions of your poems after you've submitted.


Shō is a print journal. Payment is one contributor’s copy. Authors also receive a discount on the purchase of extra copies. All work accepted for publication will be considered for the Shō Poetry Prize (best poem in issue) and the Sita Martin Prize (best poem by an emerging poet). Each winner receives $250 and a one-year subscription to Shō.

Read our full submission guidelines here.

If your work has appeared in two successive issues of Shō, please wait two issues before submitting again.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.